So for the past 49 days or so, I have been working out, six days a week, alternating strengthening workouts with cardiac workouts.
I have Tony Horton and the Power90 video series to thank for it. But first, before you get any ideas that I am one of those "success stories" floating around on the internet with a rock solid body, let me tell you that I AM NOT!
I am not an athletic person by nature. I am a couch potato, perfectly content to sit on the bed or the couch with my laptop where it belongs -- on my lap. That is most of my life.
But, being that my life has taken some very bizarre twists and turns over the past three years, I decided that I needed to make getting healthy my priority again.
So here I am, halfway through the P90 Bootcamp workout series:
Yep, that's me! Proof that someone my age can still get a good workout! Of course, it doesn't take much to be a workout for me. All I have to do at my age, is go outside and deadhead the roses for an hour or so and I'm pooped. After all, I'm the one who gets ready for bed at 8:30, and am happy as a clam to just lay in bed and read a book until I am so sleepy I can't focus anymore.
Lately, however, my night-time book reading has centered around text books: Nursing books, Anatomy & Physiology, etc. Not the best entertainment, but a necessity. I am, after all, a college student once again.
Once you see this video, you will notice that there is still quite a bit of -- shall-we-say, "jiggling" going on. I wasn't doing the P90 workouts to lose weight. I was doing them to get in shape.
Suffice it to say, I have decided it is time to start watching what I eat again, also. Time to cut out the junk and focus on something better -- more whole foods, fruits and vegetables.
Step by step, I am regaining my life.
Now if I could only find answers to the constant heart palpitations. Stay tuned for more research!!